Backdrop for 'Two Gentlemen of Verona'
91" x 61" | 2007

I started this quilt in a workshop taught by Kaffe Fassett. It is the “Square Clamshell” pattern from Kaffe Fassett’s Museum Quilts.
The quilt is true to the pattern except that it is made in landscape mode instead of portrait mode, and the border is different. Both changes were necessary because it was intended for a specific wall in the home of Joan Bachenko.
It also looks somewhat different from a Fassett quilt because I like more unified color schemes—closer color harmonies—than he does. This quilt is a tribute to
Olive Green, Gold, and Terra-Cotta,
which are Joan’s favorite colors.
As for the title, Shakespeare set many of his comedies in the Mediterranean, even though he had never been there. I imagine he imagined its sunny colors like this, a little more crazy and a little less dusty than they really are.
Collection of Joan Bachenko, Oxford, New Jersey